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📚 Translate and Dictionary (all languages) 📚
Oxford, Longman, ...
Google Translate

What can do this bot?📚 Translate and Dictionary (all languages) 📚
This bot have more than 20 dictionaries like Oxford, Longman and in many languages.
just send a word or sentence to see meaning in each dictionary you set or language you choosed.
Inline Google translate: type @diction_bot anywhere and bot translate online.

Type a word or sentence for see results in dictionaries or translate by google.
You can use inline bot @diction_bot for translate in other chats.

For learn words or anything in Leitner method use this bot:

For share your expriences with other language lerners please join in chatroom bot.

Please share your suggestions with us.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

/dic word or sentence (in group)
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Text to translate
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