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I can help you create and manage events. I will also make sure to remind you and your friends about your upcoming events

What can do this bot?I can help you create and manage events 😎
I will also make sure to remind you and your friends about your upcoming events 📅

You can talk to me in every chat, typing "@Down4ItBot", for example, "@Down4ItBot I want to eat a burger".

I'm currently in beta but eager to get better 👌

Hit "start" and have fun!

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Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Create an event and configure it
Lists all of your existing events
I forgot how tu use Down4It😔
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Search for a venue (e.g. I want a burger, or McDonalds)
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