![]() |
Download IT - Video | Music | Files |
? Blip, blip, blip! Just send to me link to post with media // Просто отправь мне ссылку на пост с фото/видео.
What can do this bot??Blip, blip, blip!
?? Hi, i am downloader bot, just send to me link to post with media.
?? Привет, я бот загрузчик, просто отправь мне ссылку на пост содержащий фото/видео.
? Please choose your language // Пожалуйста выберите язык
To add new data source use command:
/add url
/add type username
/add https://3dnews.ru/news/rss
/add https://www.instagram.com/therock/
/add instagram therock
/add https://www.tiktok.com/@charlidamelio
/add tiktok charlidamelio
Youtube user:
/add https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie
/add youtube PewDiePie
Youtube channel:
/add https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ5v_MCY6GNUBTO8-D3XoAg
/add youtube UCJ5v_MCY6GNUBTO8-D3XoAg
Youtube playlist:
/add rss https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?playlist_id=PLCsuqbR8ZoiBn9CR3jt7oIyF-x6mV4dbk
/add https://twitter.com/elonmusk
/add twitter elonmusk
/add https://vk.com/durov
/add vk durov
/add https://www.facebook.com/bmw/
/add facebook bmw
/add https://www.twitch.tv/ninja
/add twitch tfue
Telegram public channel:
/add https://t.me/s/nexta_tv
/add telegram nexta_tv
Reddit (new posts):
/add https://www.reddit.com/r/apple
/add reddit apple
Reddit (top/hot posts only):
/add rss https://www.reddit.com/r/bmw/top.rss
/add rss https://www.reddit.com/r/bmw/hot.rss
/add https://tema.livejournal.com/
/add livejournal tema
/add https://coub.com/oftheday
/add coub oftheday
/add https://medium.com/the-mission/
/add medium the-economist
/add https://zen.yandex.ru/yandex/
/add zen yandex
/add https://ok.ru/smeysya
/add ok smeysya
/add https://likee.video/@kevwithin
/add likee kevwithin
It's pain to add data sources one by one so we would like to introduce to you import functionality. Data sources limit will be applied to imported data
- use /import twitter username to import friends list of this user. For example /import https://twitter.com/elonmusk
- use /import youtube id_or_username to import subscribers list of this user. For example /import https://www.youtube.com/c/DudePerfect/
- send OPML file with RSS feeds to import data from this file
Work modes
Bot can work with private subscribers and support posting to group or channel. First step add bot in administrators list. When in private messages with bot set work mode:
/user - private mode
/chat (channel_username|group_username or channel_id|group_id) - chat mode
Two type of previews are available: Aximo (message will be formatted by bot) and Telegram (use instant view from Telegram itself).
Check "Settings" section for mode retail and examples
🔄 Refresh period 1-2 hours for free users and 5-20 minutes for premium users.
Check our channel @mad_bots for latest news. Join!
Support group: @mad_bots_talk
Bot Commands
A command must always start with the '/' symbol.
Inline Bot
Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.
- @download_it_bot
- (video|audio|xxx|my|all) query......