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Fuck Off As A Service will help you send Fuck Off messages in your chats.

What can do this bot?This bot can help you send Fuck Off messages in your chats.
Use /help to get a list of available commands

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Will show the help message
Will show the Start message
Arguments: Usage: /custom
Arguments: Usage: /awesome
Arguments: Usage: /ballmer
Arguments: Usage: /bday
Arguments: Usage: /because
Arguments: Usage: /bucket
Arguments: Usage: /bus
Arguments: Usage: /bye
Arguments: Usage: /caniuse
Arguments: Usage: /chainsaw
Arguments: Usage: /cool
Arguments: Usage: /dalton
Arguments: Usage: /diabetes
Arguments: Usage: /donut
Arguments: Usage: /dosomething
Arguments: Usage: /everyone
Arguments: Usage: /everything
Arguments: Usage: /family
Arguments: Usage: /fascinating
Arguments: Usage: /field
Arguments: Usage: /flying Usage: /flying
Arguments: Usage: /keepcalm
Arguments: Usage: /king
Arguments: Usage: /life
Arguments: Usage: /linus
Arguments: Usage: /madison
Arguments: Usage: /nugget
Arguments: Usage: /off
Arguments: Usage: /outside
Arguments: Usage: /pink
Arguments: Usage: /retard
Arguments: Usage: /shakespeare
Arguments: Usage: /shutup
Arguments: Usage: /thanks
Arguments: Usage: /that
Arguments: Usage: /this
Arguments: Usage: /thumbs
Arguments: Usage: /tucker
Returns Version info
Arguments: Usage: /what
Arguments: Usage: /xmas
Arguments: Usage: /yoda
Arguments: Usage: /you
Arguments: Usage: /zayn
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Share this bot
See also