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Bot to search for exploits using Vulners Database [@webpwn channel]

What can do this bot?Bot to search for exploits using Vulners Database. It allows you to search online for the exploits across all the most popular collections: Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Packetstorm and others.

For example, write to bot:
wordpress 4.7
phpmyadmin 4
joomla 3

Welcome! Now write me the name of your favorite software :)

ℹ️ HTML Help Workshop 4.74 (hhp Project File) Buffer Overflow
πŸ“… 2009-12-08
♦️ CVSS: 7.5
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ HTML Help Workshop 4.74 (hhp Project File) Buffer Overflow
πŸ“… 2009-12-08
♦️ CVSS: 7.5
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ HTML Help Workshop 4.74 (hhp Project File) Buffer Overflow
πŸ“… 2009-12-08
♦️ CVSS: 10.0
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ Microsoft Compiled HTML Help / Uncompiled .chm File XML External Entity Injection
πŸ“… 2019-07-16
◾️ CVSS: -0.1
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ Microsoft Compiled HTML Help Uncompiled .chm File - XML External Entity Injection
πŸ“… 2019-07-16
◾️ CVSS: -0.1
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ Microsoft Compiled HTML Help / Uncompiled .chm File - XML External Entity Injection
πŸ“… 2019-07-16
◾️ CVSS: -0.1
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ Microsoft Help Center XSS and Command Execution
πŸ“… 2010-07-13
♦️ CVSS: 9.3
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ MailCarrier 2.51 HELP Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
πŸ“… 2019-05-03
πŸ”Ή CVSS: 0.2
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ MailCarrier 2.51 HELP Remote Buffer Overflow
πŸ“… 2019-05-01
πŸ”Ή CVSS: 0.9
πŸ”— Link

ℹ️ SysAid Help Desk 'rdslogs' Arbitrary File Upload
πŸ“… 2015-07-20
πŸ”Ά CVSS: 6.8
πŸ”— Link

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