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Group Moderator bot

What can do this bot?Hello, I'm Group Moderator bot!

I can help you to moderate your telegram group. Just add me to group where you are administrator/creator and configure me through this chat.

Currently I can do following things:

- Greet newcomers with customizable text
- Kick bots added by non-admin users

Hello, I'm Group Moderator bot!

I can help you to moderate your telegram group. Just add me to group where you are administrator/creator and configure me through this chat.

Currently I can do following things:

- Greet newcomers with customizable text
- Kick bots added by non-admin users

1. Add me to group (where you are admin)
2. Send command /config to configure your group settings (here)

Important! If you changed admins in your group - send me a /update @gr_username command, so I would refresh my known admins list.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Configure settings
[@gr_username] Update group administrators and other parameters
Send feedback or bug report to developer
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