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I would like to handle youuu?... Btw i can handle your groups also So add me there?

What can do this bot?Heya! I'm Jannat - a group admin bot here to help you manage your groups as effectively as possible.

Hit /start to see what I can do!

โ—You Didn't Join Our Main Channel So You Can't Get Any Movie or Series File.

?Click On 'Click Here To Join' Button Below & Join Our Main Channel, Then Click On 'Try Again'.

Hey there! My name is Jannat.
I'm a modular group management bot with a few fun extras! Have a look at the following for an idea of some of the things I can help you with.
Main commands available:
- /start: start the bot
- /help: More Options.
- /donate: information about how to donate!
- /settings:
- in PM: will send you your settings for all supported modules.
- in a group: will redirect you to pm, with all that chat's settings.
And the following:

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Start The Bot!
to get status of files in db. (Admin Only)
to get the rescent errors (Admin Only)
add manual filters (Admin Only)
view filters (Admin Only)
connect to PM.
disconnect from PM
delete a filter (Admin Only)
delete all filters (Admin Only)
delete a specific file from index. (Admin Only)
get user info
get tg ids.
fetch info from imdb.
to get list of my users and ids. (Admin Only)
to get list of the my chats and ids (Admin Only)
to add files from a channel (Admin Only)
to leave from a chat. (Admin Only)
do disable a chat. (Admin Only)
re-enable chat. (Admin Only)
to ban a user. (Admin Only)
to unban a user. (Admin Only)
to get list of total connected channels (Admin Only)
to broadcast a message to all Bot users (Admin Only)
to create link for (Admin Only) multiple posts (Admin Only)
to create link for one post (Admin Only)
delete all index Files (autofilter) (Admin Only)
Share this bot
See also