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Lang Robot extends foreign language vocabulary. Use it as a translator, save new words and repeat them every day.

What can do this bot?*Lang Robot extends foreign language vocabulary*

*Read text in the language you learn.* Use Lang Robot as a dictionary or translator. Just send to the robot unknown word or phrase and save useful translations.

*Repeat new words every day.* The /play command displays saved earlier phrases. Words you remember will be shown less and less often and eventually will be archived.

Lang Robot extends foreign language vocabulary

Read text in the language you learn. Use Lang Robot as a dictionary or translator. Just send to the robot unknown word or phrase and save useful translations.

Repeat new words every day. The /play command displays saved earlier phrases. Words you remember will be shown less and less often and eventually will be archived.

What is your native language? This is the language you are most comfortable with.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Start 20 phrase long learning session
Set your language with code. For example, /mylang ru
Set the language for translation with code. For example, /tolang en
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