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Multiplayer online economic game in which you can earn. 🤑
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What can do this bot?🤑 Multiplayer online economic game in which you can earn.
Get the main prize at the end of the year - $ 10,000 or 1 BTC!

👥 You can invite your friends and acquaintances and get 30% from each of their purchases!

📩 Your referral link:

🆘 You can find useful commands on this page.

✅ List of commands:
/start - restart bot
/id - your unique number
/res - quick view of resources
/prize - conditions for winning 1 bitcoin
/wiki - various helpful articles on the game

✏️ Commands can be entered anywhere.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

restart bot
your unique number
quick view of resources
conditions for winning 1 bitcoin
various helpful articles on the game
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See also