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Radiojavan downloader | رادیوجوان دانلودر

Radiojavan downloader | رادیوجوان دانلودر

This robot created by programmer @aliilapro from 🇮🇷

What can do this bot?🆎 Readme!
With this robot you can
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[+] Music
[+] Videos
[+] Podcasts

Support quality:
-🔊 mp3 256
-🔊 mp3 320
-🎬 mp4 480p
-🎬 mp4 720p
-🎬 mp41080p
-🎬 mp4 4K

Coded by sir @aliilapro - in 🇮🇷 - with 💜

Hello Dear ❤
+ For Use This Bot u must Join Channel @Source_Pro
+ If u Left The Channel Bot Not Work😒
+ After Join Channel Back To Bot Send /start

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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