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Roll polyhedral RPG dice in Telegram (Fate/Fudge dice included).

What can do this bot?Hi, I'm Roll 'Em Bot, a bot for rolling RPG and Fate dice. You can roll dice using dice notation like so: /roll 3d8, /r 2d6+12, /roll 4dF

I also support labeling your rolls like this: /roll 1d20 Initiative

Lastly, I support Fate/Fudge dice via the 'dF' notation and the /rf command as well as exploding dice by using an exclamation point like this: /roll 2d6!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Roll some dice using dice notation
Roll 4 Fate/Fudge dice
More information about how to use this bot
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Use /roll to roll RPG dice.
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