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A full rewritten version of @scloud_bot. WORK IN PROGRESS

What can do this bot?A full rewritten version of @scloud_bot. WORK IN PROGRESS

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

❌ Cancel your current command
? List of commands
? Search tracks by name
? Download a track or a playlist by link
The latest posts from the people you’re following
Tracks based on tracks you’ve liked or played
? Browse your favorited tracks
Attach a SoundCloud link to a Telegram audio
⬇️ Browse your uploads
Top-50 tracks by selected genre
50 new and hot tracks, selected by genre
? Search tracks by tag
? Browse a playlist by using link
? Browse specified user's uploads
? Connect your SoundCloud account
? Send feedback
⚙ Change your settings
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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