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A Simple Bot To Delete Messages After a Specific Time.

What can do this bot?Delete Messages From Group.
Configure by using /settings.

Hey New User
I am TenSecBot, I can help you to delete messages from your groups after specified time.
Feel free to add me in your group as an admin and configure your preferences by sending /settings in group.
Use /plans to know about features.

⚠️I can delete only messages from users. and I wont be deleting messages from other bots. Use /upgrade to delete messages from other bots.

Its Super easy, Just add me to your group as admin with deletion permission and send /settings to configure me.

Three Deletion modes are available.
1. All Messages :- All messages of the chat will be deleted.
2. Blacklist :- Only messages from blacklisted users will be deleted. (add users to blacklist using /blacklist command and remove using/rmblacklist)
3.Whitelist: - All messages except those messages from whitelisted users will be deleted.(add users to whitelist using /whitelist and remove users by using /rmwhitelist .)

Use /plans to know more.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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