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MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and CRC32 checksums, encode/decode Base64 strings. I can generate strong passwords too

What can do this bot?Hi! I'm The Hasher!

I can calculate MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and CRC32 checksums and encode/decode Base64 strings.
Also I can generate multiple sized random strong passwords.

TheHasherBot v.002

You can use a command by itself or provide a string as argument. Example: 'md5 hello world' to encode 'hello world' using MD5.

Inline mode is also available writing '@thehasherbot string_to_hash' in any chat.

Available commands:

/base64decode - Returns Base64 decoded string of given string
/base64encode - Returns Base64 encoded string of given string
/crc32 - Returns CRC32 hash of given string
/feedback - Sends a message to the developer to report bugs or ask for new features
/help - Show bot commands help
/md5 - Returns MD5 hash of given string
/pass - Password generator
/sha1 - Returns SHA1 hash of given string
/sha256 - Returns SHA256 hash of given string

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Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Returns given string Base64 encoded
Returns given string Base64 decoded
Returns given string as CRC32 Hash
Shows bot help
Returns given string as MD5 Hash
Password generator
Returns given string as SHA1 Hash
Returns given string as SHA256 Hash
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

String to hash/encode...
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