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TodoNoteBot |
Plain text Todo and Note bot. Sorting, importance, lists, search and #hashtags supported
What can do this bot?Plain text Todo and Note bot. Sorting, importance, lists, search and #hashtags supported
TodoNoteBot (beta). Now with reminders.
I have already created default.txt todo list for you, but you can also add any number of your own lists.
sending any text to the bot = add any text to the current todo list. Your text may also contain #hashtags for searching and structuring your todos. Numeric hashtags #11 ending lines are also considered as importance levels for /sort command, but you can also add them later with /imp command.
[ ... ] are optional, <* ... *> are obligatory
/done [LINE PREFIX] = mark a line as done
/del = /done, but it deletes the line copmpletely without saving it to the done list (hidden feature - if you type full name of todo list (case sensitive and including '.txt' - you will delete appropriate todo list
/imp <*IMPORTANCE LEVEL*> [LINE PREFIX] = add importance hashtag to the line, IMPORTANCE LEVEL can only be a number
/sort = sort by importance levels
/search [HASHTAG1] [HASHTAG2] ... Shorthand /s
/search! is same as /search, but it searches globally, all your todo lists. Try /s!
/show = open and show a todo list.
/show1 = open and show a todo list in one bubble.
/showdone = show done items in the current todo list
/new <*LISTNAME*> = create a new todo list (in addition to default.txt). For example /new supermarket or /new notes or /new ideas. Typing .txt is not necesary
@in[TIME] [TEXT] - add reminder to yourself,
[TIME] format is '@in1w1d1h1m1s' = in 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute 1 second
e.g. '@in1h1m buy milk' or '@in55s call back' or' @in1d sex'...
when I say [LINE PREFIX] i mean first symbol(s) of the line you are you want to refer to. E.g. you have in your todo:
buy milk
test bot
tango lesson
1st line LINE PREFIX can be: 'b' or 'bu' or 'buy' or 'buy m', etc.
2nd line LINE PREFIX can be: 't' or 'te' or 'tes' or 'test', etc.
3rd line LINE PREFIX can be: 'ta' or 'tan' or 'tang' or 'tango', etc.
(as you see 't' is applicable for the 2nd line only, because it cathces first line matching 't', all next lines starting with 't' will be ignored)
/contact - my contacts
/default - open default list
Bot Commands
A command must always start with the '/' symbol.